Press Releases

There is no safe level of exposure to lead, and exposure is particularly dangerous for children ages 0-6.

El Programa de Autodeterminación (SDP, por sus siglas en inglés) de California enfatiza la planificación centrada en la persona, para individuos con discapacidades del desarrollo a través de los 5 principios de libertad, autoridad, apoyo, responsabilidad y confirmación.

California’s Self Determination Program (SDP) emphasizes person-centered planning for individuals with developmental disabilities through the 5 tenets of freedom, authority, support, responsibility, and confirmation.

Small businesses and nonprofits in California have far fewer protections than residential tenants, and are being forced out of business and displaced from their communities at an alarming rate.

Small businesses and nonprofits in California have far fewer protections than residential tenants, and are being forced out of business and displaced from their communities at an alarming rate.

SACRAMENTO – Senator Caroline Menjivar (D- San Fernando Valley) introduced SB 953, Period Equity Now, to address the persistent and dangerous inequity of period poverty amongst Californians on Medi-Cal.

SACRAMENTO – La Senadora Caroline Menjivar (D- San Fernando Valley) presentó el Proyecto de Ley SB 953, Period Equity Now, para abordar la persistente y peligrosa desigualdad de la pobreza del período menstrual entre los californianos que reciben Medi-Cal.

SACRAMENTO – Senator Caroline Menjivar (D-San Fernando Valley) released
the following statement in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s 2024-25 state budget