SD20 Legislative & District News + Spring Break Activities!
Welcome, Burbank & San Fernando Valley Friends!
It’s been an extremely productive month in Sacramento. Team Menjivar and I worked to accomplish as much as possible before the Legislative Spring Recess, and now I’ll be back in the district until we reconvene on April 1. See you out in the community!
Legislative Update
In March we began policy committee hearings, and my first bill out of Public Safety (5-0) is SB 987 - Pretrial Services!
Bills advancing:
- Elections Committee (7-0) SB 1027 - Political Reform Act: Identity Theft Mitigation
- Housing Committee (9-1) SB 1079 - Youth Housing Bond
- Education Committee (5-2) SB 954 - YHES Act
- Health Committee (9-0) SB 953 - Period Equity Now
- Health Committee (11-0) SB 1112 - Early Developmental Screenings
On Then There’s California, I tell Brian Green why I refuse to play nice when it comes to protecting vulnerable Californians and youth during budget negotiations.
In the Community
Public Defender Ricardo Garcia Dr. Lisa Wong, Director, LA County Department of Mental Health Presiding Judge Samantha P. Jessner
Our What is CARE Court? Town Hall brought together service providers, community nonprofits, and interested constituents for this informative session, hosted at LA Valley College. The Community Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment Court is a voluntary agreement or plan overseen by a judicial officer and connects eligible adults to mental health and housing services. Watch the town hall and learn more about CARE Court.
Nuestro ¿Qué es Foro Comunitario CARE Court? reunió a proveedores de servicios, organizaciones comunitarias sin fines de lucro y electores interesados para esta sesión informativa, organizada en LA Valley College. El Tribunal de Asistencia, Recuperación y Potencialidad de la Comunidad es un acuerdo o plan voluntario supervisado por un funcionario judicial y conecta a los adultos elegibles con servicios de vivienda y salud mental. Obtenga más información sobre CARE Court.
I hosted Tacos & Taxes, in collaboration with Assemblymember Gabriel, Golden State Opportunity, and Boys & Girls Club of West Valley, to bring much-need constituent services to our community. San Fernando Valley residents, making less than $67k, received free tax preparation services from New Economics for Women while enjoying delicious tacos!
I threw out the first pitch on Sylmar Independent Baseball League Opening Day. Their 13U team placed 3rd at the 2023 Pony Baseball World Series!
Youth sports instilled in me confidence and leadership skills that I utilize to this day. Being physically present in the community, to support these programs which develop tomorrow’s leaders, will always be a priority for me.
Community Resources
Looking for activities for kids and teens during Spring Break? Check out the calendar for your local library branch!
- Read With STAR Volunteers, offered at multiple library branches. Take home a free book after attending 3 STAR events!
- Homework Help, grades K-5. Mondays & Wednesdays at Mid-Valley Regional Branch.
- Beginning 3-D Printing Class, ages 10 and up. Tuesday, March 26, at Granada Hills Branch.
- We Read Together: Ocean Discover. Wednesday, March 27, at Canoga Park Branch.
¿Busca actividades para niños y adolescentes durante las vacaciones de primavera? ¡Consulte el calendario de la sucursal de su biblioteca local!
- Lea Con Voluntarios STAR, ofrecido en múltiples sucursales de la biblioteca. ¡Llévese a casa un libro gratis después de asistir a eventos 3 ESTRELLAS!
- Ayuda con las Tareas, grados K-5. Lunes y Miércoles en Sucursal Mid-Valley Regional
- Clase Inicial de Impresión 3D, a partir de 10 años de edad. Martes 26 de marzo en Sucursal de Granada Hills
- Leemos Juntos: Ocean Discover. Miércoles 27 de marzo en Sucursal de Canoga Park
Nextdoor Kind Foundation
$500 microgrants to individuals making a difference in their LA County neighborhoods. Deadline is March 29, 5 PM PST!
Nextdoor Kind Foundation
Microsubvenciones de $500 para personas que hacen la diferencia en sus vecindarios del condado de Los Ángeles. ¡La fecha límite es el 29 de marzo a las 5 PM PST!
Upcoming Events
Armenian National Committee of America Town Hall
On Saturday, March 23, at 6:30 PM I will join the Burbank and San Fernando Valley - East chapters of ANCA for a community town hall and legislative update. Location: ACF Beshir Mardirossian Youth Center, 75 E. Santa Anita Ave., Burbank.
Employment Development Department (EDD) More Than Just Unemployment Series
Burbank Central Library | 110 N. Glenoaks Blvd.
Friday, April 26 @ 10:30 a.m. - CalJobs with EDD
El Departamento de Desarrollo del Empleo (EDD) Es Más que Una Simple Serie sobre Desempleo
Biblioteca Central de Burbank | 110 N. Glenoaks Blvd.
Viernes 26 de abril a las 10:30 a.m. - CalJobs con EDD
SAVE THE DATE! Community Clean Up with CalTrans on Saturday, April 27.
Details coming soon or call 818-901-5588.
¡RESERVE LA FECHA! Limpieza Comunitaria con CalTrans el sábado 27 de abril.
Detalles próximamente o llame al 818-901-5588.
Senate District 20 Little Known Fact:
Rancho Bizarro in Sylmar, a city dweller’s equestrian fantasy, was once owned by actor Patrick Swayze. While dreams of the ranch becoming a Swayze Museum have never come to fruition, Cocoa and Caramel the goats and Baby and Johnny the ducks are reported to still be tenants on the property!
Thank you for reading the Senate District 20 March Newsletter!
May you and your families be well,
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Senator Caroline Menjivar, MSW