Senator Menjivar: News and welcoming additional neighbors!
Welcome, Burbank & San Fernando Valley Friends!
Throughout February, the Senate District 20 team maintained our strong momentum in Sacramento and the district. Supported by the expertise and efforts of my capitol staff, I introduced 16 bills for our first legislative package! Meanwhile, district staff was connecting with community members and organizations at our office and in the field, ensuring we are always active and visible across The Valley.
A lo largo de febrero, el equipo del Distrito 20°del Senado mantuvo nuestro fuerte ímpetu en Sacramento y el distrito. Con el apoyo de la experiencia y los esfuerzos de mi personal del capitolio, ¡presenté 16 proyectos de ley para nuestro primer conjunto de propuestas legislativas! Mientras tanto, el personal del distrito se conectaba con miembros y organizaciones de la comunidad en nuestra oficina y en el campo, asegurándose de que siempre estemos activos y visibles en todo El Valle (The Valley).
Welcoming 276,000 Additional Constituents to the SD 20 Family
As of January 18, for two years I will be the senate representative for constituents in Granada Hills, Northridge, Sherwood Forest, Valley Village, Valley Glen, North Hollywood, and part of Sherman Oaks. Without these “Deferred Area Assignments,” residents of these cities would not have a California State Senator until after the 2024 General Election.
A partir del 18 de enero, durante dos años seré la representante en el Senado de los residentes de Granada Hills, Northridge, Sherwood Forest, Valley Village, Valley Glen, North Hollywood y parte de Sherman Oaks. Sin estas “Asignaciones de Áreas Diferidas,” los residentes de estas ciudades no tendrían una Senadora o Senador Estatal de California hasta después de las elecciones generales de 2024.
Unsure who your state representatives are? Check by your address HERE.
Coffee with Caroline
Saturday, March 18, 9:30 AM | Panorama City
Chair, Budget Subcommittee #3 on Health and Human Services
I am honored to Chair this veteran-led Budget Subcommittee; the first in history! This is a committee that is truly equipped to fight for quality Health and Social Services for Californians, and to protect the funding of our public safety net programs.
Live Stream Budget Subcommittee #3 on Health and Human Services hearings every Thursday following session HERE.
California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls
I was appointed, by President pro Tempore Senator Toni Atkins, to the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls! When I was a Fellow on the Mayor’s Gender Equity Team, I knew the fight for gender equality and the pursuit of equity would be a foundational principal in my life’s work. Now, as a Commissioner, I will have the unique opportunity to study policies, laws, practices, and conditions imposing burdens on women and girls, and to work towards solutions that increase their opportunities.
Find information on the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls HERE
Sacramento News - Bills Introduced
Our legislative team and I worked diligently to craft legislation which will address crucial and timely issues for Burbank, San Fernando Valley, and California. My focus, when authoring or coauthoring a bill, is to improve quality of life for residents in our state, while also ensuring equity and protection for vulnerable communities. A selection of bills I introduced follows.
SB 223 Child Welfare & Attendance Services: To improve K-12 attendance and student wellbeing, SB 223 increases the number of specialized school mental health professionals in our public schools. This can be accomplished by expanding programs of professional preparation to include approved local educational agencies.
SB 260 Menstrual Equity Act 2023: Lack of access to menstrual hygiene products can create obstacles to performing duties at work, school, and in the home. Approximately 318,000 families receive vital assistance under California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs). SB 260 would increase equity by requiring period product aid for every menstruating person who participates in CalWORKs.
SB 456 Housing Vulnerable Youth: Combat homelessness and housing instability for California’s most vulnerable youth by expanding opportunities for service providers to apply for Homekey 2.0 youth set aside funds.
SB 600 CalFresh Minimum Benefit Adequacy Act of 2023: Ensuring all CalFresh participating households receive a minimum monthly benefit of $50. This increase, from the current minimum of $23 a month, would reflect the high cost of living in California and address the inadequacy of federal benefit levels, especially with the end of COVID-19 emergency allotments.
SB 611 Rental Housing Cost Transparency: Require landlords to clearly state to potential renters what their up-front and monthly payments will be. Hidden fees have been proliferating in rental housing, forcing renters to pay much more than the advertised price per month.
View and track California bills HERE.
Our Staff Out in the Community!
February 6- Field representative James attended a community screening of What Will Become of Us. Hosted by ACF Beshir Mardirossian Youth Center, this documentary follows six Armenian Americans during the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
February 14- District office staff joined Metrolink for their Customer Appreciation Day at the San Fernando/Sylmar station. They passed out candy and thanked riders for choosing to commute on the train. “The choice to take public transit means less congestion on local roads, cleaner air, and healthy communities. We appreciate [Senator Menjivar’s Team] joining us to recognize Metrolink riders.” – Julie Nieto, Metrolink
February 15- Kevin, District Director, and field representative Katherine visited The Theodore Payne Foundation for Wildflowers and Native Plants in Sun Valley. This non-profit organization offers opportunities for Valley neighbors to learn about native plants and their benefits to our wild habitats and water usage.
February 26- CicLAvia The Valley! District staff and I rode our bicycles 5 miles down Sherman Way, from Canoga Park to Reseda. Along the way, we stopped to speak with various participants, community organizations, small businesses, students of Magnolia Science Academy, and the Canoga Park, Winnetka, and Reseda Neighborhood Councils.
Storm and Flood Preparedness
With storms forecasted to continue through March, we encourage neighbors to take steps to protect themselves and their property from storm damage.
Dado que se pronostica que las tormentas continuarán en marzo, alentamos a los vecinos a tomar medidas para protegerse a sí mismos y a sus propiedades de los daños causados por las tormentas.
Find L.A. City resources for emergency preparedness HERE and through LAFD, including free sandbags, HERE
Sign up for emergency alerts HERE and HERE.
Report issues with city streets and downed trees HERE.
Report power outages HERE.
Visit the Disaster Preparedness Fair on Saturday, March 25, 9 AM – 3 PM at Pierce College. Information HERE
Thank you for reading the Senate District 20 Newsletter for March!
The strength of Senate District 20 is our diversity. Whether you live in Canoga Park, Reseda, Sun Valley, Burbank, in one of our additional assignment cities, or anywhere in between; no matter your economic, employment, or immigration status; inclusive of every identity, race, and culture; my team and I are here to fight for all the residents of this beautiful district.
La fortaleza de El Valle es nuestra diversidad. Ya sea que viva en Canoga Park, Reseda, Sun Valley, Burbank, en una de nuestras ciudades de asignación adicionales o en cualquier lugar intermedio; sin importar su estatus económico, laboral o migratorio; inclusivo de toda identidad, raza y cultura; mi equipo y yo estamos aquí para luchar por todos los residentes de este hermoso distrito.
May you and your families be well!
Senator Caroline Menjivar, MSW