January 2023 Newsletter
Dear Burbank and San Fernando Valley Friends,
As I embark on my first legislative session, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the honor of serving as your State Senator in California’s 20th District. I was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, and I am eager to give back to the communities which shaped the person I am today. At Encino Elementary School, office faculty watched my sister and me after hours so my mother could finish work. Teachers at Portola Middle School were especially active in supporting my sports and academic future, giving me positive outlets during formative years. I graduated from Reseda High School where the Police Academy Magnet influenced my decision to join the Marine Corps as an adult. My first civilian career was as an EMT in Van Nuys, and I’ve worked in various roles throughout the area ever since. My lived experiences inform me on where the service gaps and opportunities exist. Becoming a State Senator has always meant being in a position to fight for the resources our district needs.
We are setting the groundwork to address our most pressing issues with long-term and substantial solutions; lack of affordable housing, poor air quality, improving our transportation infrastructure, and meeting our climate goals. I aim to deliver on key policy priorities, including closing the gaps in our mental health systems. Minutes after signing the Oath of Office, I introduced my first bill to the Senate. The objective of SB 11 is to improve the quality and accessibility of mental health services for students at the 23 California State University campuses. The CSU student body is diverse ethnically, racially, economically, and socially. They deserve trauma-informed, culturally competent, and on-site mental health providers.
I know this first year will be a time of continuous learning. There will be barriers in our way, and there may be resistance to the ambitious changes we want to effect in California policies and the delivery of services. This is why I’m forging strong relations with colleagues from the city, county, and state offices. The only way to get the work done is through purposeful collaboration and strategy at every level of government.
Even though we will not accomplish everything this year, my staff and I will remain determined and invigorated. Through strong coalitions with community leaders and the participation of the people of our district, we will bring our goals into reality. So, I ask, please stay engaged with my office. Sign up for communications, meet us at events, make an appointment for your local organizations to talk with my staff. We can achieve so much together if all of us stay active, motivated, and informed.
I am already getting to work. Join me!
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Senator Caroline Menjivar, MSW
California Senate District 20
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On January 4, I had the great privilege of attending my first Senate Floor Session. Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins warmly welcomed us, and many of my colleagues shared beautiful memorandums of the people who have left us since the last session.
El 4 de enero tuve el gran privilegio de asistir a mi Primera Sesión en el Senado. La Presidenta del Senado Pro Tempore, Toni Atkins, nos dio una calurosa bienvenida y muchos de mis colegas compartieron hermosos memorándums sobre las personas que nos han dejado desde la última sesión.
Did you know? You can watch California Senate floor sessions live. Find the schedule and streaming HERE (link to https://www.senate.ca.gov/calendar)
I am honored and grateful to Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins, for appointing me Chair of Budget Subcommittee #3 on Health and Human Services. As a social worker and previous EMT, I know how important it is to ensure our public healthcare systems are properly funded, with equitable distribution and access. I’m also ready to serve on the committees for Budget and Fiscal Review, Elections and Constitutional Amendments, Environmental Quality, Health and Human Services, and Military and Veterans Affairs. Having a voice in these committees is very important for the district, since they address many of the issues directly impacting our neighbors.
Me siento honrada y agradecida con la Presidenta pro Tempore del Senado, Toni Atkins, por nombrarme Presidenta de la Subcomisión Presupuestaria #3 sobre Salud y Servicios Humanos. Como trabajadora social y Técnica Medica de Emergencia (EMT) anteriormente, sé lo importante que es garantizar que nuestros sistemas de salud pública estén debidamente financiados, con distribución y acceso equitativos. También estoy lista para fungir en los comités de Presupuesto y Revisión Fiscal, Elecciones y Enmiendas Constitucionales, Calidad Ambiental, Salud y Servicios Humanos y Asuntos Militares y de Veteranos. Tener voz en estos comités es muy importante para el distrito, ya que abordan muchos de los problemas que afectan directamente a nuestros vecinos.
Let’s celebrate the start of our journey, as we look to the future and all we will achieve together. Join us at our Community Swearing-In Ceremony on January 28 in Sylmar. During the reception you can meet my staff, learn about the legislative and district services our offices will be providing, and find information on helpful resources. RSVP for the venue address: bit.ly/menjivarjan28
Celebremos el comienzo de nuestro sendero, mientras miramos hacia el futuro y todo lo que lograremos juntos. Únase a nosotros en nuestra ceremonia de juramentación de la comunidad el 28 de enero en Sylmar. Durante la recepción, puede conocer a mi personal, conocer los servicios legislativos y distritales que brindarán nuestras oficinas y encontrar información sobre recursos útiles. Favor de confirmar su presencia (RSVP) para obtener el domicilio del lugar: bit.ly/menjivarjan28
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