Join Senator Menjivar at community & Veterans Day events!
Welcome, Burbank & San Fernando Valley Friends!
It feels great to be back in the district following the finale of the 2023 CA Legislative session. Team Menjivar and I will be touching every corner of SD 20 before the end of the year. We would love to get to know constituents, neighborhood leaders, and all the community organizations serving Burbank & San Fernando Valley. Send us an invitation!
Legislative Update
My third bill to be signed by Governor Newsom is SB 372 - Respect for Names Act. This legislation will eliminate the use of deadnames at the Department of Consumer Affairs for licensed professionals who have changed their legal names.
The fourth bill to be signed is SB 732 - Pallid California State Bat.
For bill comments, questions, and status updates, message our office.
In the Community

Thank you, Magnolia Science Academy 5 - Los Lobos, for inviting me to speak with students at your Reseda campus. One of my favorite things about being a state senator is connecting with district youth, so I can learn about the issues that are important to them and represent their voices in Sacramento.

Have you noticed a difference as you drive along our freeways? This is due to the maintenance and beautification projects throughout Caltrans District 7, including the 118 and I-5. I recently took a tour to view their progress and discuss future improvements to increase quality of life and safety along these routes.
- Submit a Caltrans service request for maintenance or call 213-897-4426.
Envíe una solicitud de servicio de CalTrans para mantenimiento o llame al 213-897-4426. - Email or call 213-897-3656 with questions and concerns about construction work on an SD 20 state highway.
Envíe un correo electrónico o llame al 213-897-3656 si tiene preguntas e inquietudes sobre los trabajos de construcción en una carretera estatal del Distrito Senatorial 20°.

We celebrated recent graduates of the ICON CDC Entrepreneur Training Program. During the 8-week program participants gain knowledge and are connected to important resources for starting a small business. Classes are available to everyone in English and Spanish. Learn more.
Celebramos a los recién graduados del Programa de Capacitación para Emprendedores ICON CDC. Durante el programa de 8 semanas, los participantes adquieren conocimientos y son conectados a recursos importantes para iniciar una pequeña empresa. Las clases están disponibles para todos en inglés y español. Aprenda más.
Congratulations, Bienestar, on the grand opening of the Panorama City location! Bienestar is a community-based social services organization with a focus on identifying and addressing health issues faced by Latinx and LGBTQ+ folks. View their services.
¡Felicitaciones, Bienestar, por la gran inauguración de la ubicación de Panorama City! Bienestar es una organización comunitaria de servicios sociales que se enfoca en identificar y abordar los problemas de salud que enfrentan las personas latinas y LGBTQ+. Vea sus servicios.
Community Resources

In observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, here are resources in SD 20 for routine screenings. Early detection is key!
Northeast Valley Health Corporation provides breast exams and cervical cancer screening among their many health care services.
Valley Community Healthcare has a specialized women’s health Care Team.
Every Woman Counts (EWC) ensures California’s underserved populations have access to free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services.
En conmemoración del Mes de Concientización sobre el Cáncer de Mama, aquí hay recursos en el Distrito Senatorial 20° para exámenes de detección de rutina. ¡La detección temprana es clave!
Northeast Valley Health Corporation ofrece exámenes de mama y detección de cáncer de cuello uterino entre sus numerosos servicios de atención médica.
Valley Community Healthcare cuenta con un Equipo de Atención de Salud especializado para la mujer.
Cada Mujer Cuenta “Every Woman Counts” (EWC) garantiza que las poblaciones desatendidas de California tengan acceso a servicios gratuitos de detección y diagnóstico de cáncer de mama y de cuello uterino.

In need of At-Home COVID Tests? Order free COVID Tests at
¿Necesita pruebas de COVID en casa? Solicite pruebas de COVID gratuitas en
“The LA Food Equity Fund will invest over $9.8 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding into communities across LA County.
Capacity-Building grants: will provide upfront funding to build capacity for activities such as food production including urban agriculture, procurement, and distribution; food recovery; waste management; food access; data/technology projects; nutrition education and communications; food preparation; safe food handling education; nutrition screenings and services in healthcare; food availability; nutritious food incentives; outreach and engagement; development of targeted materials; and development of accessible enrollment tools and processes.
Food Distribution grants: will reimburse organizations for the distribution of eligible items including culturally relevant food items; infant formula; personal hygiene products such as diapers; and staffing and other direct expenses associated with the procurement and distribution of items.”
Upcoming Events
As a Marine Corps veteran and a state senator for much of San Fernando Valley, I am honored to be named Grand Marshal of this year’s SFV Veterans Day Parade. On November 11, at 11:11 AM, the parade will begin on the corner of Laurel Canyon Blvd & San Fernando Mission Blvd and proceed to the Ritchie Valens Recreation Center: 10736 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Pacoima. Join us in paying tribute to our veterans!
The 2023 SD 20 Veteran of the Year nomination deadline is extended! Nominate a district veteran, who continues their service in our communities, by October 11!

Coffee with Caroline comes to Sun Valley Area Neighborhood Council on Sunday, October 29! Meet me at 8720 Sunland Blvd, Sun Valley, at 10 AM.
¡Café con Caroline llega al Consejo Vecinal del Área de Sun Valley el domingo 29 de octubre! Nos vemos en 8720 Sunland Blvd, Sun Valley, a las 10 AM.
Team Menjivar and I are hosting an unforgettable evening at our inaugural Winter Wonderland Holiday Party! We are thrilled to welcome you to the first open house at the newly updated district office. It's the perfect opportunity to meet your state senator, hear 2023 legislative updates, and tour the festively decorated offices. We’ll meet Santa, enjoy refreshments and entertainment, build connections, and bring holiday spirit to the Valley. Don't miss out on this exciting event! RSVP or call (818) 901-5588.
Winter Wonderland Holiday Party & Van Nuys District Office Open House
Saturday, December 9 | 4:30 to 7:30 PM
6150 Van Nuys Boulevard, Suite 400, Van Nuys
Felices Fiestas Navideñas — Winter Wonderland — y evento de Bienvenida a la Oficina del Distrito de Van Nuys
Sábado 9 de diciembre | 16:30 a 19:30
6150 Van Nuys Boulevard, Suite 400, Van Nuys
Senate District 20 Little Known Fact:
Did you know the bright name of Sun Valley holds a dark history? Sunland homesteaders had a bitter water feud, which tore a family apart and turned one brother into a train robber. On “Dec. 23, 1893, three armed outlaws in masks and long dark dusters robbed the northbound Southern Pacific No. 20… at what is now San Fernando Road and Sunland Boulevard.” Though they got away with the cash during the first heist, the next turned deadly. Lore states the town of Roscoe was named after either one of the accomplices or train employees, but others believe it was the name of a land developer. Unhappy with the association with a notorious train robbery, in 1948 residents changed the name to Sun Valley. A vestige of division, Roscoe Boulevard is considered the line between north and south San Fernando Valley.
Thank you for reading the Senate District 20 October Newsletter!
May you and your families be well,
Senator Caroline Menjivar, MSW