Governor signs Sen Menjivar bills + SD20 veteran nominations
Welcome, Burbank & San Fernando Valley Friends!
Historic decisions are happening right now in the California Legislature. Last call for both houses to vote on bills and send them to the Governor is Thursday, September 14. Learn more about where we are in the process.
Legislative Update
MY FIRST BILL WAS SIGNED BY GOVERNOR NEWSOM! SB 457 - Minor Vision Care. Beginning in 2024, unaccompanied and homeless minors, who are 15 years or older and managing their financial affairs, can consent to vision care services. I'm proud that my first enacted legislation will remove a barrier to care for these already underserved minors.
MY SECOND BILL SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR, SB 223 - Child Welfare & Attendance Certification! K-12 schools continue to experience a shortage of specialized school mental health professionals. SB 223 can improve attendance and student wellbeing by increasing access for social workers, psychologists, and school counselors to obtain the Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) authorization through Local Education Agencies.
SB 732 - California State Bat - was approved by the CA Legislature and awaits the Governor's signature. SB 732 will designate the Pallid as the official state bat of California, bringing awareness to the many benefits they provide and hopefully inspiring future conservation efforts for this under-protected category of animals.
SB 372 - Respect for Names - sent to the Governor's desk. SB 372 will eliminate the use of deadnames by the Department of Consumer Affairs, protecting the safety and privacy of licensed professionals who have changed their legal names.
SB 541 - Youth Health Equity + Safety – sent to the Governor’s desk. SB 541 requires public and charter high schools to provide access to free internal and external condoms and prohibits retailers from asking for ID to purchase.
The following bills must be voted on before September 14:
SB 373 - Address Protection
SB 635 - Let California Kids Hear Act
For questions or comments on legislation, send us a message.
In the Community

Happy 112th birthday, City of San Fernando! My gift was a $3M check for the critical infrastructure project that will ensure safe drinking water in the city. As someone who grew up in the San Fernando Valley, and the proud representative of this Latino-majority district, clean drinking water for our communities of color and all SD 20 residents is a top priority.
¡Feliz 112º cumpleaños, Ciudad de San Fernando! Mi regalo fue un cheque de $3 millones para el vital proyecto de infraestructura que garantizará agua potable segura en la ciudad. Como alguien que creció en el Valle de San Fernando y como orgullosa representante de este distrito de mayoría latina, el suministro de agua potable limpia para nuestras comunidades de color y todos los residentes del Distrito 20° es una prioridad principal.

As the only Salvadorean American State Senator, I joined the Dodgers for Salvadoran Heritage Night! On the field with Ambassador Milena Mayorga, we recognized SD 20’s Dr. Carlos Zaragoza of El Salvador Foundation as the Dodgers Community Hero. In the Winnetka area and beyond, El Salvador Foundation provides food, personal care items, health care referrals, and resources for essential community services to our neighbors.

We pedal towards progress in Burbank with the nonprofit Bike Angeles. Bike Angeles does more than provide refurbished bicycles to low-income families during the holidays, they are constantly replenishing their stock so bikes are available for children who need them year-round.

Andrés attended the grand opening of Providence Holy Cross Medical Center’s new NICU and presented Bernie Klein, CEO, with a Certificate of Recognition from my office. This event was an introduction to their team and the updated equipment that will provide innovative medical treatments for the littlest patients.
Community Resources

WILDFIRE PREVENTION & PREPAREDNESS Are you ready for wildfire? Fire season is a year-round concern in California, but the most destructive fires often happen in September and October.
- Make sure you have an emergency plan, supplies, and the proper equipment.
- Communicate with your family about an evacuation meeting location and routes.
- Collect the phone numbers for out-of-area emergency contacts.
The Burbank Fire Department provides public education on safety for you and your family, including CPR and other life-saving tips.
The City of San Fernando offers alerts, fire preparedness, and evacuation tips.
Sign up for alerts and check tips from the Los Angeles Fire Department or Los Angeles County Fire Department.
PREVENCIÓN Y PREPARACIÓN PARA INCENDIOS FORESTALES ¿Está preparado para los incendios forestales? La temporada de incendios es una preocupación durante todo el año en California, pero los incendios más destructivos a menudo ocurren en septiembre y octubre.
- Asegúrese de tener un plan de emergencia, suministros y el equipo adecuado.
- Comuníquese con su familia sobre un lugar de reunión y rutas de evacuación.
- Recopile los números de teléfono de contactos de emergencia fuera del área.
El Departamento de Bomberos de Burbank ofrece Educación Pública sobre Seguridad para usted y su familia, como Primeros Auxilios (RCP) y otros consejos para salvar vidas. Obténga más información AQUÍ.
La Ciudad de San Fernando tiene muchos consejos de seguridad contra incendios y evacuación que se pueden encontrar AQUÍ.
Regístrese para recibir alertas y consulte los consejos del Departamento de Bomberos de Los Ángeles o del Departamento de Bomberos del Condado de Los Ángeles.
Additional Wildfire Preparedness Resources | Recursos Adicionales para la Preparación contra Incendios Forestales:

TreePeople was awarded a $1.1 million grant by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) for the planning of future greening projects on 6 Burbank Unified School District campuses. Across L.A. County, TreePeople is working to increase the shade canopy and convert asphalt at “public schools into sustainable landscapes and natural grass playing fields with outdoor learning and reading gardens and permeable, heat-reducing surfaces.”
Congratulations, City of San Fernando, awarded $599,918 by the Adaptation Planning Grant Program for their Climate Action & Resilience Plan! With a focus on equity and community input, this project will address the extreme heat hazards affecting city residents.
¡Felicidades, Ciudad de San Fernando! ¡Se les ha otorgado $599,918 a través del Programa de Subvenciones de Planificación de Adaptación para su Plan de Acción y Resiliencia Climática! Con un enfoque en la equidad y la participación comunitaria, este proyecto abordará los peligros de calor extremo que afectan a los residentes de la ciudad.
Upcoming Events

On September 27, CalVet Minority Veterans Division is hosting a webinar to honor the service of LGBTQ+ veterans and mark 12 years since the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Register for Beyond the Act: Ongoing Victories and Challenges for LGBTQ+ Veterans Post-Repeal.

Do you know a veteran who lives in the district and continues to answer the call of service in our communities after hanging up their uniform? One nominee will be selected as our 2023 Senate District 20 Veteran of the Year! Submit the nomination form by Wednesday, October 4.
¿Conoce a un veterano que vive en el distrito y sigue respondiendo al llamado de servicio en nuestras comunidades después de haber colgado su uniforme? ¡Se seleccionará a un nominado como nuestro Veterano del Año del Distrito 20° del Senado en 2023! Envíe el formulario de nominación antes del miércoles 4 de octubre.

SAVE THE DATE! We are hosting an Open House and Winter Wonderland holiday party at the Van Nuys district office on Saturday, December 9, from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM. More details coming soon.
¡RESERVE LA FECHA! Estamos organizando una invitación de Puertas Abiertas y una fiesta Invernal Navideña en la oficina distrital de Van Nuys el sábado 9 de diciembre, de 4:30 PM a 7:30 PM. Pronto habrá más detalles.
In the News
Politico: In a coup for the dark and damp, bats and mushrooms get their moment in Sacramento
Sacramento Bee: California leads the world in innovation but can’t get hearing aids to deaf kids?
The Mercury News: Opinion: California infertility-treatment bill enables family dreams
Santa Barbara Independent: How to Diversify California’s Electorate
Los Angeles Public Press: Long lines at LA food distributions after emergency food stamps end
Senate District 20 Little Known Fact:

When you visit the district office, you can sign the larger-than-life Senator Menjivar mural. This artwork was created live, by local artist Levi Ponce, during the Community Swearing-In and greets our visitors in the lobby!
Thank you for reading the Senate District 20 September Newsletter!
May you and your families be well,
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Senator Caroline Menjivar, MSW