Exciting opportunities for SD20 students + community resources
Welcome, Burbank & San Fernando Valley Friends!
I’m back in Sacramento, and it is great to resume Capitol Office advocacy meetings and committee hearings. Committee hearings are an opportunity for stakeholders and the public to participate in the legislative process, and for legislators to ask the tough questions as we make decisions for the state. Also, Team Menjivar is not wasting time as the bill introduction deadline quickly approaches on February 16!
Legislative Update
On January 10, Governor Newsom released his proposal for the 2024-25 California State Budget. Here is my statement, which includes concerns that I voiced during our first Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Committee hearing on January 23:
“Though compromises are inevitable during negotiations, given the proposed elimination of some of the CalWORKs supportive programs, I am deeply concerned about the full withdrawal of the Safety Net Reserve Fund. Additionally, at a time when our foster youth disproportionately comprise our homeless youth population, we should not be cutting the housing supplement for foster youth in Supervised Independent Living Placements (SILPs).
While my colleagues and I thoroughly review the Governor’s 2024-25 state budget proposal and work through the budget process, I’ll be a relentless champion of honoring our commitments to behavioral health services and safety net programs, including investment in children and youth.”
In The Community
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. showed us the power of the people through collective action and determination. We must continue to fight to uproot systemic inequities, and many among us work every day for more just and inclusive communities. It was inspirational to celebrate with them as we honored the legacy and teachings of MLK.
LA County Federation of Labor - MLK Day 2024
Burbank Human Relations Council - MLK “I Have a Dream” Breakfast at VFW 8310 Burbank
District Representative Jasmin
YMCA LA’s 53rd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Brotherhood Breakfast
January’s small business tour was in Burbank with the Armenian National Committee of America. Stops included Lusanet Collective, a creative hub and retail space for local artists to grow their businesses, and one of Parehjan & Vartzar Chiropractic’s three district locations. It’s always a pleasure to speak with small business owners about state resources, learn about the mission of their businesses, and thank them for their contributions to Senate District 20.
Team Menjivar participated in the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count in Lake Balboa and Panorama City. To formulate effective solutions, we need an accurate understanding of the extent and complex nature of homelessness. Data collected on January 24 is pivotal for planning and delivering services in our district.
Community Resource
It is with great excitement that I announce the launch of my inaugural college internship program for Spring 2024 in our Van Nuys District Office! This twelve-week paid internship is a unique opportunity for current undergraduate and graduate students to work in a fast-paced district office, and gain important experience that serves to strengthen state and local government through dedicated service.
Questions: Andrés (818) 901-5588 or Andres.Garcia@sen.ca.gov
Apply by February 23, 2024: bit.ly/SD20Internship
The City of San Fernando Education Commission scholarship opportunities are open now! Additional information: www.sfcity.org or sfeducom@sfcity.org.
¡Las oportunidades de becas de la Comisión de Educación de la Ciudad de San Fernando ya están abiertas! Información adicional en: www.sfcity.org o sfeducom@sfcity.org.
- Gabriel Fernandez Memorial Scholarship
- Elias Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship
- Pahola Mascorro – Why Not You? Scholarship This opportunity is open to a high school senior who has below a 3.0 GPA (C average or below) and plans to attend college.
- Environmental Sustainability Scholarship This scholarship, sponsored by Councilmember Joel Fajardo, encourages students to aspire to a sustainable future.
- Unheard Voices Scholarship This scholarship, sponsored by Councilmember Joel Fajardo, emphasizes the experience of LGBTQ communities, human relations, disenfranchisement, workplace rights, or issues affecting other marginalized people.
- Gerry’s Kids This scholarship, awarded to a student attending university outside Southern California, honors Gerry Hou, a youth librarian.
- Republic Services – César Chávez Scholarship Program Opportunity for one $1,000 scholarship to a graduating college-bound high school senior. Student must live in the City of San Fernando.
- Beyond the Bachelor’s Scholarship This scholarship awards $500 to one student pursuing a master’s, doctorate, or teaching credential.
Those 50 years of age or over, and part of California's LGBTQ+ community, are invited to participate in the first-ever statewide survey focusing on YOUR needs and experiences. Be sure to take this California Department of Aging survey before March 31!
The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services has opened applications for 5 Listos California Grant Programs. The following information is provided by Cal OES:
Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations with a 501c(3) status. Applicants must subaward funds (via Second-Tier Subawards) to a variety of local CBO partners to provide disaster training and resources to diverse populations disproportionately impacted by emergencies.
Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations with a 501c(3). Applicants can work independently or subgrant with local CBOs to provide disaster training and resources to diverse populations disproportionately impacted by emergencies
Eligible applicants must be a federally recognized Tribal Government with administrative offices in California with a goal to increase their communities’ disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation capabilities.
Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Grants
Eligible applicants include CERT programs registered through FEMA, new CERT Programs approved by California State CERT Administrator, CERT Program Sponsoring Agencies or a fiscal agent representing the CERT Program to support projects that help prepare vulnerable and underserved populations.
Youth Developmental Grant (LY) Program
Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations with a 501c(3) or CERT programs registered through FEMA, new CERT Programs approved by the California State CERT Administrator, CERT Program Sponsoring Agencies or a fiscal agent representing the CERT Program to support projects that help prepare vulnerable and underserved populations.
Upcoming Events
LA Metro is hosting a Community Leadership Council of the East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project meeting on Thursday, February 8, at 6:00 PM. Learn about the project overview, updates on community outreach activities, job and vendor opportunities, and small business mitigation programs. Location: The Church on the Way (Cornerstone Building), 14424 Sherman Way, Van Nuys.
LA Metro organizará una reunión del Consejo de Liderazgo Comunitario del Proyecto de Tránsito del Tren Ligero del Este del Valle de San Fernando el jueves 8 de febrero a las 6:00 p.m. Conozca la descripción general del proyecto, actualizaciones sobre actividades de extensión comunitaria, oportunidades laborales y de proveedores, y programas de mitigación para pequeñas empresas. Ubicación: The Church on the Way (Edificio Cornerstone), 14424 Sherman Way, Van Nuys.
Senate District 20 Little Known Fact:
On January 15, 1961, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed the San Fernando Valley community at Canoga Park High School, which is currently in an accelerated area of our district. His speech was titled, “The Future of Integration.”
Thank you for reading the Senate District 20 January Newsletter!
May you and your families be well,
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Senator Caroline Menjivar, MSW