Don’t miss these resources for wildfire recovery & college students!
Welcome, Burbank & San Fernando Valley Friends!
We’re only two months into 2025, but we have already stood together through the devastation of the firestorms, the threat of flooding in burn areas, and attacks on the rights of our community members. I’m so proud to represent a district where we show up for each other and prove our unity through action!
Legislative Update
The legislature approved, and Governor Newsom signed, a $2.5 billion relief package for LA County:
- Emergency protective measures, evacuations, shelters, debris removal, post-fire hazard assessments for flooding, traffic control, and emergency response activities.
- An additional $4 million to expedite rebuilding.
- An additional $1 million to rebuild fire-damaged school facilities.
As a bipartisan coalition in the Senate, we are coauthoring the Fight for Firefighters Act. A commonsense approach to California’s year-round fire season.
- Transition 3,000 seasonal CalFire firefighters to full-time status.
- Keep all 356 CalFire fire engines, 38 vegetation management crews, and CalFire helicopter bases staffed and operational throughout the year.
In the Community
The people of Burbank and San Fernando Valley didn’t hesitate to mobilize and lend a hand to those impacted by the wildfires!
Red Cross volunteers at the Ritchie Valens Evacuation Center
One Generation Essential Items Distribution in Van Nuys
Happy Meal donations for children at the Mid Valley YMCA
Community Resources
The FEMA and SBA Assistance application deadline for LA County wildfires is March 10!
FEMA applications or 800-621-3362
Small Business Administration applications or 800‐659‐2955
Disaster CalFresh
Those who lived or worked in a fire-impacted area may be eligible to receive this new food benefit. A family of four with a monthly income up to $3,529 may be eligible to receive $975 one-time!
- Applications only accepted between February 10-14 & February 18-19, 2025.
- Hurst fire zip codes: 91342, 91344, 91321, 91326, 91381, and 91311
- Apply by phone at 866-488- 8482, or visit your local Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) office to apply in person.
Financial support for small businesses, nonprofits, and workers
Apply before February 24th at 5PM to the LA Region Small Business and Worker Relief Funds for a chance to receive up to $25K in grants for eligible small businesses and nonprofits. Eligible impacted workers can obtain $2K in cash assistance.
Employment Development Department
If you’re an undocumented worker in California impacted by the recent wildfires, help is available through EDD.
Si es un trabajador indocumentado en California afectado por los recientes incendios forestales, hay ayuda disponible a través del EDD.
10 Tips for Hiring a Contractor
Make sure your contractor measures up with guidance from the Department of Consumer Affairs Contractors State License Board.

Grants and scholarships for college are free money, but you have to APPLY! Information and assistance completing your financial aid application from FAFSA or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) financial experts is available during upcoming WEBINARS.
Las subvenciones y becas para la universidad son dinero gratis, ¡pero tiene que SOLICITARLAS! La información y la asistencia para completar su solicitud de ayuda financiera de los expertos financieros de FAFSA o California Dream Act Application (CADAA) estarán disponibles durante los próximos SEMINARIOS WEB.
Apply to be a district intern!
Burbank & San Fernando Valley undergraduate students! If you’re looking for a paid internship opportunity where you can develop your skills AND support efforts to meet the needs of our communities and Californians, apply for my spring internship program by February 26th!
City of San Fernando Education Commission Scholarships are now open to high school students through February 21, 2025!
Upcoming Events
On Saturday, March 8th, I’m partnering with Golden State Opportunity to bring Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) volunteers right to my constituents for our 2nd Annual Tacos & Taxes! Find out if you qualify for tax credits during the tax preparation process, while also enjoying delicious tacos.
Saturday, March 8, 2025 | 9 AM – 2 PM
18238 Sherman Way, Reseda, CA 91335
Advance registration REQUIRED!
¡El sábado 8 de marzo, me asociaré con Golden State Opportunity para llevar voluntarios de Asistencia Voluntaria de Impuestos sobre la Renta (VITA, por sus siglas en inglés) directamente a mis electores para nuestra segunda edición anual de Tacos y Taxes! Descubra si califica para créditos fiscales durante el proceso de preparación de impuestos, mientras disfruta de deliciosos tacos.
Sábado, 8 de marzo, 2025 | 9 a. m. a 2 p. m.
18238 Sherman Way, Reseda, CA 91335
¡Se REQUIERE inscripción anticipada!
The More You Know
Have you seen the Caltrans wattles? These fiber rolls were installed along Hurst Fire burn scar areas in Sylmar to reinforce slopes and reduce debris flow. In any weather, Caltrans follows an extensive maintenance schedule. Request service by filling out a Customer Service Report, and call my office at (818) 901-5588 with the CSR # so a district rep can follow up on your case. It takes approximately 30 days to process the CSR and 2 – 4 weeks to complete.
Senate District 20 Little Known Fact
The Ritchie Valens Recreation Center, which served as an evacuation center for those displaced by the Hurst Fire and subsequent power outages, was almost named “Ritchie Valens-Paxton Recreation Center.” Proponents wanted to maintain the geographic reference. But the family’s wishes prevailed, and the park now solely honors Pacoima’s famed teen idol!
Thank you for reading the Senate District 20 February Newsletter
May you and your families be well,
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Senator Caroline Menjivar, MSW