Earth Month Beautification with Caltrans + Money for College!
Welcome, Burbank & San Fernando Valley Friends!
April has been a whirlwind in Sacramento as we sprint towards the house of origin policy committee deadline. Meanwhile, I marked this Earth Month with a press conference for SB 1497 - Polluters Pay Climate Cost Recovery Act and our office partnered with Caltrans for TWO community cleanups in Senate District 20!
Legislative Update
SB 1497 Press Conference & Committee Hearings
Following the press conference for Senate Bill 1497, Polluters Pay Climate Cost Recovery Act, this ground-breaking legislation passed its first hearing in Environmental Quality Committee, 5-2. Environmental justice advocates and impacted community members stood with me to demand California’s top fossil fuel polluters relieve taxpayers of the financial burden and pay for the damages their products have inflicted on our climate and state. SB 1497 cleared its second committee, Judiciary, with 7-2 support. Next stop, Senate Appropriations. Submit a letter of support to committee members in advance of the hearing!
Additional Bills Advancing
SB 1027 Political Reform Act: Protecting banking and personal information, is my first bill of the year that is headed to the Assembly!
SB 1091 School facilities: greening projects is coming up for vote on the Senate Floor soon.
SB 1057 Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council heads to Senate Appropriations. It ensures equitable community representation and improved decision-making within county Juvenile Justice Coordinating Councils.
SB 1492 Private Duty Nursing passed the Health Committee 11-0 and heads to Appropriations! It supports children with complex medical conditions by giving them the ability to stay at home, rather than in expensive long-term institutions, by clarifying that Private Duty Nursing is an eligible category for the purpose of Managed Care Organization tax, ensuring PDNs get the necessary Medi-Cal rate increases.
Environmental Health Sciences Op-Ed: Protecting California’s children and communities from leaded aviation fuel pollution
There is no safe level of exposure to lead. We’ve gotten the toxic out of gas for cars and paint — why not plane fuel?
EHN en Español Artículo de opinión: Proteger a los Niños y a las Comunidades de California de la Contaminación de Combustible de Aviación con Plomo
No existe un nivel seguro de exposición al plomo. Hemos eliminado los tóxicos del gas de automóviles y pintura - ¿Por qué no el combustible para aviones?
In the Community
The 2nd Annual Power of Herfluence was a day of wellness for SD 20 women whose selfless dedication to volunteerism often goes unnoticed. This summit included facials, yoga, candle making, a legislative update roundtable, lunch, and certificates of recognition. One day of self-care is not enough, but we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your service to our communities!
El 2ndo Evento Anual “El Poder de la Influencia de Ella”, (Power of Herfluence) fue un día de bienestar para las mujeres del Distrito del Senado SD 20 cuya dedicación desinteresada al voluntariado a menudo pasa desapercibida. Esta cumbre incluyó tratamientos faciales, yoga, elaboración de velas, una mesa redonda de actualización legislativa, almuerzo y certificados de reconocimiento. ¡Un día de autocuidado no es suficiente, pero les agradecemos desde el fondo de nuestro corazón su servicio a nuestras comunidades!
This Earth Month I hosted my first Caltrans Community Cleanup, with Sun Valley Area Neighborhood Council, on the I-5 on-ramp at Sunland Blvd. While we cleaned one on-ramp, Caltrans also performed maintenance at Glenoaks Blvd. and Hollywood Way. I look forward to partnering with Caltrans and community members for many more beautification events across SD 20!
Caltrans Earth Day Community Cleanup in Burbank
Groundbreaking for Caltrans District 7 Clean California “State Route 170 North Hollywood Beautification” project.
This project will enhance interchanges at Victory Boulevard, Sherman Way, Roscoe Boulevard, and US 101 at Lankershim Boulevard. Security fencing, native plants, rock blankets, and decorative metal artwork will be applied, including the pedestrian overcrossing that connects to the Valley Plaza Sports Complex.
New durable fencing installation sites:
- Pacoima, along SR-118 from eastbound Dronefield Avenue to Foothill Boulevard. (pictured above)
- Sylmar, along northbound I-5, at Hubbard Street and near the I-210 interchange.
- Arleta, along I-5 on the southbound side of Paxton Street.
- Lake View Terrace, along I-210 at eastbound Foothill Boulevard.
Community Resources
California Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation Scholarship Program
College expenses should not prevent anyone from pursuing their dreams! The Latino Caucus Foundation Scholarship Program is now accepting applications. Don't miss the opportunity to apply and receive financial assistance for your studies. The deadline is June 1, 2024, for eligible students to receive a $5,000 scholarship.
¡Los gastos universitarios no deben impedir que alguien persiga sus sueños! El Programa de Becas de la Fundación Latino Caucus está aceptando solicitudes. No pierdas la oportunidad de aplicar y recibir ayuda financiera para tus estudios. La fecha límite para aplicar es el 1 de junio de 2024. Los estudiantes que cumplan los requisitos recibirán una beca de $5,000.
California Dream Act Application
Students from mixed-status families, who have been unable to complete a FAFSA, can now complete the CADAA to meet the May 2 financial aid deadline! More information.
¡Los estudiantes de familias de estatus mixto que no han podido completar una FAFSA ahora pueden completar la CADAA para cumplir con la fecha límite de ayuda financiera del 2 de mayo! Más información.
Minerva Scholarship
Check out the Women in CA Leadership Foundation’s Minerva Scholarship & Breaking Barriers: Supporting Women in STEM programs. Details and apply by May 31, 2024!
The LA County Department of Economic Opportunity Commercial Acquisition Fund is offering $10 million in grants to qualifying non-profit organizations to support the acquisition of vacant buildings in communities that were most negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply today!
El Fondo de Adquisición Comercial del Departamento de Oportunidades Económicas del Condado de Los Ángeles está ofreciendo $10 millones en subvenciones a organizaciones sin fines de lucro calificadas para apoyar la adquisición de edificios desocupados en las comunidades que se vieron más afectadas negativamente por la pandemia de COVID-19. ¡Solicita hoy!
Upcoming Events
Get your marching shoes ready! I’m hosting the 2nd Annual San Fernando Valley Pride March & Block Party on June 29, in collaboration with Mayor Karen Bass and Somos Familia Valle. Starting at 11 AM, get fired up during our rally at Van Nuys Blvd. & Gault. Next, we’ll march the 1 mile down Van Nuys Blvd. to the Civic Center, showcasing the diversity and strength of our LGBTQ+ community in the 818. At the Block Party, we’ll enjoy entertainment, a food market, art and healing tents, and a resource fair with community and constituent services. RSVP now at
¡Prepara tus zapatos para caminar! Seré la anfitriona de la 2nda Marcha Anual del Orgullo del Valle de San Fernando y Fiesta de Barrio el 29 de junio, en colaboración con la Alcaldesa Karen Bass y Somos Familia Valle. A partir de las 11 a. m., ponte listo o lista para vivir una reunión emocionante en Van Nuys Blvd. y Gault. A continuación, marcharemos 1 milla por Van Nuys Blvd. al Centro Cívico, mostrando la diversidad y la fuerza de nuestra comunidad LGBTQ+ en el 818. En la Fiesta de Barrio, disfrutaremos de entretenimiento, un mercado de alimentos, tiendas de arte y bienestar, y una feria de recursos con servicios comunitarios y a los electores. Confirme su asistencia ahora en
Community Leadership Council of the East San Fernando Valley
Light Rail Transit Project Virtual Meeting
Come meet the 15 members of the Community Leadership Council of the East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project. The CLC is an advisory group comprised of community leaders who will advise on and support outreach and engagement efforts throughout the construction of the project.
- Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 6:00 PM
- Meeting Link:
- Call-in: 833.548.0282 US Toll Free
Venga a conocer a los 15 miembros del Community Leadership Council del proyecto de transporte de tren ligero East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit. El CLC en un concilio consultivo comunitario para el proyecto que apoyará y avanzará el dialogo comunitario durante la construcción del proyecto.
- Jueves, 9 de mayo de 2024 | 6:00 PM
- Enlace de reunión:
- Participe por teléfono: 833.548.0282 número gratuito
Senate District 20 Little Known Fact:
In 2018, the original Iron Man movie suit was stolen from a warehouse in Pacoima! Worn by Robert Downey, Jr. in the Marvel franchise’s first 2008 movie, the suit is valued at $325,000. Any Senate District 20 Avengers with information on the caper should contact LAPD’s Foothill Division.
Thank you for reading the Senate District 20 September Newsletter!
May you and your families be well,
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Senator Caroline Menjivar, MSW