Town Hall: What is CARE Court?




On March 8 at 3 PM at Los Angeles Valley College, learn about the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Court. CARE Court is a court ordered plan aimed at helping the thousands of Californians who are suffering from untreated mental health and substance use disorders leading to homelessness, incarceration or worse. The court-ordered response can be initiated by family, county and community-based social services, behavioral health providers, or first responders.

Topics covered will include eligibility requirements, information for petitioners, services and treatments offered through CARE Court, legal and medical rights of individuals involved in CARE Court, and the respective roles the Court and Los Angeles County agencies play in the process, including the LA County Dept. of Mental Health and the Independent Defense Counsel Office.

Presiding Judge Samantha P. Jessner
Assistant Presiding Judge Sergio C. Tapia II
Executive Officer/Clerk of the Court David W. Slayton
Public Defender Ricardo Garcia
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Director, Dr. Lisa Wong

This town hall is intended for service providers, behavioral & mental health professionals, nonprofit staff, and interested community members.

You can RSVP by calling 818-901-5588 or clicking here.